This is a book review over the first four books by author and horseman Mark Rashid.

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When summer comes to an end, I look forward to cuddling with a soft blanket and reading a good book. Many people say they don’t read because they don’t have time. Well, the same is true for me. That’s why I like a good book that is easy to read and distracts me from the stress of the day. I also like to read something that is not only entertaining, but gives me some knowledge to take away that I didn’t previously have. I know reading isn’t for everyone, but Mark Rashid’s books are easy reads and aren’t like your typical horse training books.
About the author
Mark Rashid I would say, is a prolific writer. He has written fourteen books in total. He has worked on ranches for many years and he’s traveled the globe doing horsemanship clinics.
I found Mark Rashid’s books refreshingly different. His books involve storytelling and make you feel as if you are right there with him working out a solution for a problem horse. I thoroughly enjoyed reading these books and I hope after reading this post you will want to read them as well.
considering the horse
I first came across this book four or five years ago now. I remember I couldn’t put it down. I’m not sure what I expected when I picked it up, but boy was I surprised! It is wonderfully written and he tells captivating stories about different horses he’s helped over the years. I was upset when it ended because I wanted more! As soon as I found out he had more books, I wanted them all! This book has a place on my bookshelf for sure and I’ve always recommended it to others.
A Good Horse is Never a Bad Color
This book is written in the same storytelling style as his first book. I think people were so enthralled with his first book they wanted more of the same. I know the feeling! In this book, he tells stories about working with horses of many different colors, breeds, and backgrounds. He then breaks down some myths that can circulate around certain breeds and color biases that some horses carry.
Horses never lie
This book speaks a lot about the horse and trainer relationship. The overarching topic of this book emphasizes passive leadership over alpha leadership. I think there is a lot to glean from this book. No two horses are the same; just like people. Rashid relates experiences he’s had with different horses in a way that helps you understand the herd dynamic a little differently. We don’t have to dominate the horse in our relationship with them.
Life lessons from a ranch horse
This book made me miss my heart horse I had for 20 years. I believe that there’s that one horse that comes into your life only once in a lifetime. Buck was that horse for Mark Rashid, and this book is about their relationship and everything that one horse was able to teach him over his lifetime.
All in all, I recommend all of his books for any horse lover. They are quick and easy to read and entertaining.
Finally, if you want to learn more about Mark Rashid please go here.
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These sound like perfect books for the horse lover! Thank you for sharing!