Liberty has been a really wonderful way for me and my horse to connect. If you've ever been wanting to learn liberty, but didn't know where to begin, then you'll want to check out these virtual options. A lot of times, virtual learning can be a really great option because you can go at your own pace. There are usually ... read more
The Bosal Hackamore
The bosal hackamore is a traditional piece of equipment that the Spanish horseman or vaqueros used. Unlike some of the modern hackamores, it does not use leverage of any kind. Its entire design is unique in the way it sends signals to the horse from the rider's reins. All together the bosal, the hanger, and the mecate reins ... read more
Interview with Angela Ferraro-Fanning
It's not everyday you see someone driving a big Clydesdale with farm implements or a wagon full of daffodils in the spring. No, it's pretty unusual, but if you follow Angela on her Instagram account, Axe and Root Homestead, you'll see her on any given day working her horses, riding them, or maybe even taking a rest, laying ... read more
Braids to Try On Your Horse
The purpose of braiding our horse's mane is to add interest or functionality. Braids not only look good, but can help keep the hair from breaking, thus helping the hair grow longer, and can also help the horse stay cooler in the summer months. Horses with thick manes can sweat a lot under their mane. There are some really ... read more
What to Pack in Your Saddlebags
Have you ever wondered what to pack in your saddlebags when you are going on a trail ride? I did a lot of research and asked over forty people and I found the most common items and turned them into a list that I could share with you. There can be emergency situations on a trail ride and it doesn't hurt to be that person who ... read more
Interview with Kristin Thornberry
I am excited to share with you the interview I had with Kristin Thornberry. Kristin is a barefoot trimmer in NW Arkansas. To say she is well versed in the horse world is an understatement. She has a Bachelor's degree in Animal Science with a minor in Equine Science and trained by a AFA certified farrier. Kristin has over 15 ... read more