Tricks are so fun to teach your horse, but how useful can they be? Mostly, I feel like tricks are simply a fun and expressive way to play with my horse. But did you know some can actually be helpful and useful for your horse to know? How about your horse picking you up at the mounting block? Or backing… Read More
How To's
The Head Shy Horse
Is your horse head shy? This can be problematic for many reasons and I’m sure you have experienced some frustrating moments because of it. One of the main frustrations is probably bridling. When I was a kid, we had this really tall horse, and he was head shy. I wasn’t too horse savvy back then, so I never knew how… Read More
What to do When your Horse is Lame or on Stall Rest
What to do when your horse can’t be worked or ridden Unfortunately, these things happen, and unfortunately it happened to my mustang Mathias. He’s not only lame, but I haven’t been able to ride him or “work” him in a couple of months now. But that doesn’t mean I can’t spend time with him. But furthermore, it forced me to… Read More