I’ve had a lot of why questions for God in my lifetime. Some are heavy and weighted questions. Let’s be real. Why so much suffering and injustice? Why God do you allow this?
And I know that God is okay with why questions, but let’s clarify that He is not subject to answering them. What is some of your why questions? Has He answered you?

The year of 2022 I had a lot of why questions. Why did my baby die? Why do other people, who don’t even want children, have them? In God’s own way, He answered those difficult why questions. I will even share that with you now. “Because My ways are not Your ways.” That gentle rebuke makes it clear. I can’t comprehend His ways because He is God and I am His created. It would be like trying to explain math to our horses. They don’t have a clue!
Most importantly, I must take that answer and give God glory and praise, declaring, “You know best, Lord.”
Is that always easy? Is that more righteous?
Not out of pride do I praise Him. And not to be accounted for righteousness. But because glory is due to His name. And because He’s God and I love Him!
Recently though I asked God another why. As simpler, more humble why, which was…
God, why did you create the horse?
Not knowing if He would answer, I went about my normal daily Bible reading. Not searching out answers, just simply going through the text I was already at.
That same week, I came across a verse I’d read many times, but this time it read differently. The words jumped out at me in a strange new way! Let me share that with you now!
Luke 19:29-34
When He(Jesus) approached Bethphage and Bethany, near the mountain that is called Olivet, He sent two of the disciples, saying, “Go into the village ahead of you; there, as you enter, you will find a colt tied, on which no one yet has ever sat; untie it and bring it here. And if anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ you shall say this: ‘The Lord has need of it.’” So those who were sent left and found it just as He had told them. 33 And as they were untying the colt, its owners said to them, “Why are you untying the colt?” They said, “The Lord has need of it.”
Because the Lord has need of it. I just had to say, wow! It was so simple, yet felt so profound. It’s as if God was saying, “Because I have need of the horse. Because I delight to do great and mighty things. And I agree, the horse is beautiful and mighty! And like His grace, it was sufficient reason for me.
I know this verse is really speaking about a young donkey, but they are in the same equine family. And the volume with which it spoke to me, I knew in my heart that it related to the horse as well. Donkeys may have been more prevalent in the first century. Especially with common folk. Their small size and great strength made them perfect working animals. Yet, they played a similar role as horses.

But when I think about what the horse has helped mankind accomplish. And what they have endured. I believe that they, more than any other animal, have been used to advance civilization. When no longer needed as a main form of transportation or labor, the horse has not died away or faded into the background.
Not in the least! They are much alive! Revered as icons, friends, and amazing athletes. They are admired in every corner of the world. Yes, I think it’s sufficient to say God had need of them.
When I look at the power and grace which horse possess and their capacity for gentleness, it’s a picture of God himself. It’s no wonder we love them so!
And not only that, Jesus will return one day riding a white horse. What a powerful picture of the Son of God appearing in the skies on His magnificent creatures. Fulfilling their ultimate purpose, perhaps in one last battle.
I’m thankful I can ask God why and He answers! Dare to ask God why about something and see how He answers you!
Whatever God’s reasons for creating the horse, I am so glad He chose to do so! What amazing creatures!